If you know me, you know that cleaning isn't my favorite thing to do. Since I sell cleaning products, it may seem a little ironic. But it actually works in my favor as I get much better before pictures the longer I wait (procrastinate) on the cleaning:) I have some very good examples of that in this post about cleaning my shower. Every morning when I take a shower, I say to myself "I need to clean this today!" But with my 2 small boys and a million other things to do, the shower continues to stay on the "to do" list. Until TODAY! Yay!!! Here are some before and after pictures to illustrate what I am talking about. No judgment please:)
You can see how the soap scum has built up on the floor of the shower.

And here is the after picture.

This is what I used to clean it:

I filled this tub with water and mixed in half a scoop of
nature bright , which is great for brightening and whitening laundry and removing stains, but also works great to whiten and brighten showers and sinks.
My Mom let some nature bright soak in her white kitchen sink recently and said it was like she had a new sink!
Along with the Nature Bright, I used some of the
Scour Off Paste with a scrub brush. It did such a great job at removing the soap scum.

I started this container almost a year ago and am just about half way through it. I use it a lot to clean my glass top stove and also use it a lot for demonstrations. It is made of cherry pits, so it smells very nice and does not have any harsh chemicals or fumes.
Scour Off is one of the products in the trio that I use to clean my entire house.

The other two are Basic H2 Super Organic Concentrate and Basic G Concentrate Germicide. I sprayed a little of the Basic G in the shower today to help disinfect.Since I was at it, I decided to clean the glass shower door too. I used the same cleaners that I did with the floor and they worked great! Here is a before picture:

You can see in the bottom right of the before picture where I cleaned a small area to show the difference before I cleaned the entire door. Big difference!!
And here is the after:

Notice the dark shadow in the top right corner. That is the shelf with all of our shampoo, soaps, etc. You can't see it in the before picture because the door was so cloudy from the soap scum! lol
One of the best parts of using these Shaklee cleaners is that they are completely safe to use around my entire family. My 9 month old was only a couple feet away from me, happily playing, as I cleaned today. I wasn't worried about any fumes or chemicals harming him.

He was 6 weeks premature with a lot of respiratory issues in the beginning of his life. The NICU doctors told us that he would have a lot of breathing issues this first year, but he has only had one cold and doing great. I attribute a lot of that to the natural cleaners that we use in our home along with the Shaklee children's powder vitamins that we give him. Good stuff!
Thanks for reading and happy cleaning! :)
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