My family in Newport, Rhode Island. It is hard to get a good picture of our family where everyone is smiling these days:)
I have decided to change up my blog for awhile. Keeping up multiple blogs is a lot of work, so I thought it would be fun to add some of my family's adventures to this blog for everyone to see. I am really behind in posting this for my family who has been waiting for it. So here it goes... :)
At the end of May my husband, 2 boys and myself ventured out of the midwest to the east coast for my husband's brother's wedding. We were there for almost a week and had a great trip. If you have small kids, you can completely understand how they add a whole new meaning to packing for a trip. I am a procrastinator by nature, so the thought of packing us all for a flight and a week in hotels was overwhelming. But I got organized (motivated by a plane that just won't wait for me to finish packing!) and we did it and had a great time! Here are some highlights from our trip:
This is my oldest, Andrew. He will turn 3 in the fall ( I can hardly believe it!) He is AMAZED by any type of vehicle - cars, trucks, trains and of course Planes! So he absolutely loved waiting for our plane in the airport. It did not phase him one bit that the storms that day kept our plane on a 3 hour delay, making us miss our connection in Baltimore where we ended up flying stand by. The more time in the airport for him, the better! :)

And this is my youngest, Benjamin. He was my preemie and will be a year in August. Now THAT I really cannot believe. Where does the time go? He is so healthy though and such a happy little guy. Both boys did so well traveling.

Our plane has arrived!

Both boys did great on the plane. No problems with their ears at all. For me, I have always had a horrible time flying because of the ear pressure. My mom is the same way. I found a product that works SO well at keeping my ears clear and pain free. It is called
Earplanes and they come in both adult and child sizes. You can find them at most pharmacies for around $5.00. They have become a lifesaver for me when I fly.

I accidentally posted some of these pictures in the reverse order, so they may seem a little backward. I really need to get more savvy with this blogging thing:)
Here is my husband and son Andrew waiting for the ferry to pick us up on Martha's Vineyard, where the wedding took place. We had a rental car, which we took to the island. That was probably the best decision we made and money well spent in doing it. Kids just have SO much stuff and it was so much easier taking it all in the car.

Martha's Vineyard, waiting for the ferry

Here comes the ferry!

This is at the rehearsal the day before the wedding. The officiant is on the left talking to my brother in law Glenn, who was the groom. My husband David is next followed by two of the groomsmen, Jason and Gary.

Here are David and Glenn's parents, Don and Sylvia, processing in during the rehearsal.

And here is bride, Sara, walking in with her dad during the rehearsal.

after the rehearsal, the wedding party and parents waiting for what's next. They all went on a little cruise around the island that evening and said they had a great time.

The boys and I watched the rehearsal too. David and I took this picture after.

My husband before the ceremony began. It was a wonderful location with the lighthouse in the background. The weather couldn't have been better.

my husband was bestman and is the second from the left, next to his brother the groom. After that came Tomer, Seth, Gary and Jason who are all friends of the groom.

my husband's parents, looking so nice for the wedding procession

Here is my new sister-in-law, Sara, with her Dad. She looked so happy and so pretty!

saying their vows

and after the ceremony - here I am with my husband

can you tell they are brothers? (17 months apart)

I really like this picture of the new Mr. & Mrs. at the reception.

Here are my husband's Godparents, Jerry and Linda, who came from Michigan for the wedding.

And the groom's Godparents, Jim and Sue, along with their daughter Shannon, who traveled from St. Louis.

Since we traveled so far for the wedding, we decided to turn the trip into a vacation for our family. Here is the baby having fun in the hotel room.

And this is my husband with our toddler and my father-in-law. We enjoyed seeing some sites with them while we were there. This is in Newport, Rhode Island after we toured the Breakers mansion.

Here I am with Andrew. The ocean view was so pretty.

My in-laws, Sylvia and Don along with Andrew before we went into the Marble House Mansion. This is a place where past presidents used to vacation in Newport. It was beautiful!

my family

The Breakers Mansion - worth seeing if you are ever in Newport, RI.

Back at the hotel with my mother-in-law. The kids loved being so spoiled:)

This is in Middletown, RI. We took the kids to a few little petting farms. They loved it and the weather was great that day!

I have never seen ducks like these with the strange feathers on top of their heads.

My husband took a picture of the feverfew medicinal herb in this garden. He does research with this.

in Middletown

Andrew loved feeding and chasing the birds:)

Here we are at Anthony's Seafood. It was so good that we ate there twice! It was a little hole in the wall type restaurant with an awesome selection of fresh seafood. We found it through AAA and I would HIGHLY recommend it if you like seafood. It was also in Middletown, RI.

At Anthony's Seafood

Having fun in the pool

on our way home, watching for the plane

Happy Baby!

We had a great time on our trip but were also glad to be home in our own beds again. We have taken a trip to Wisconsin and San Antonio, Texas since this trip. I am working on the blogs for those so stay tuned:)
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed seeing some pictures of my family from our trip. Have a good and healthy weekend!
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