Today has been a good day! I spent the night in West Lafayette and a bit of the morning with Andrew. He has been missing his brother a lot. He told his teachers at school about his baby brother in the hospital. Maybe now he will consider sharing at least one car with Benjamin when he comes home. :)
So the big news is as you can see from the picture above - he's off of the ventilator!!! And I was able to hold him soon after for the first time!
He's breathing well on his own with only a little assistance from the nasal cannula. Right away we could see a difference from when they had extubated him early Monday morning. He has been doing well with his breathing. The only concern has been that he wasn't quite acting like himself and wasn't tracking well with his eyes for a period of time. His pupils had been quite dilated so the doctor ordered an EEG of his brain activity.
I just heard the results and there was no seizure activity but did show slowing of brain activity. That could be due to all of the meds he had been on this week but to be sure that everything is ok, he will repeat the EEG in a few days.
Afterwards, he got his hair washed in a bag. Best invention ever! I must try this sometime:)
Right now, he is pretty alert and checking everyone out that comes into his room. He isn't talking yet, but has made a few sounds. That will take some time since he had a tube down his throat for the last several days. He has a lot of air and fluid in his stomach that he is continually getting out of both ends. He is starting to look more and more like our little Benjamin. We sure have missed him.
Thank you again for all of your prayers, messages and good thoughts. They have meant so much to us. This has been a very exhausting and trying time for our family but I know that God only gives us as much as we can handle. We are so thankful that he is improving.
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