Wow! I just realized how behind I am about posting some of my family happenings from the summer! Sorry about that. Too much to do and so little here they are!
First up, the Fire station tour that the boys and I went on with a local moms group. My brother is a firefighter, so it is always interesting for us to take these tours. Andrew kept talking about Uncle Dan while we were there:)

getting his sticker. He was so proud of it.

Next up: gymnastics! Andrew took a class this summer and we had a lot of fun. We actually just started another class last week at a gym closer to our house.

hanging with Miss Malorie. He talked about her all the time at home:)
walking on the trampoline. I kept telling him he was supposed to jump but....

Had to throw in some cute happy baby pictures while I was at it...

and happy toddler. This penguin brings hours of fun:)
Next up: Indiana State Fair. We always go over our anniversary weekend, which was the first one in August, the week before the Sugarland concert. Our prayers go out to the families...
Andrew loves any and all farm equipment. He would have been so happy if we would have bought this combine for him. Price tag: $375k. Maybe for our next vehicle....:)

The fair theme was "The Year of the Soybean" so I had to take a picture of them for this post:) soybeans tend to get a bad reputation. If the soybean is prepared properly, then it can be quite good for a person. Organic and water washed is always best.

Our good friends and Andrew's Godparents Josh, Laura and their kids Jacqueline, Kendrick and baby Sebastian. We always have a fun time with them.

You can't go to the fair without having a few unhealthy things like these fried green tomatoes. They were tomatoes afterall, so they weren't all bad, right? lol

and this cream, well, I can't find anything healthy about it but it sure was good. I have one every year in honor of my grandpa. He came to the Wisconsin state fair from northern Minnesota every year to have one. There's nothing quite like them. My husband and I shared it and still couldn't finish! That's a lot of cream! :)

feeding the goats. at least SOMEone was eating something healthy that day:)

there was a little circus act there that day. The dancing elephants were fun!

Hello Mr. Rabbit!

animals everywhere!

Being from Wisconsin, I had to take a picture of this!

Benjamin was so excited to see the alpaca that he passed out. lol
The statue behind us is actually a famous painting. I didn't write it down so I don't remember what it is. Anyone know??

Next up: Jump It! The boys loved it!

coming down the slide!

relaxing with dad...
grandparents came for a quick visit to help me with the boys while I gave a music therapy presentation in town. I realized that I didn't have my camera out much this time so I don't have many pictures.

Next up: Trucks and Cars at Imagination Station. Can you guess who enjoyed this the most??

Purdue solar car runs solely on sunlight. Very cool!

Having lunch with the Chick fil-a cow.

Showing off his new Waterways t-shirt.

Next: First official haircut! My husband has been cutting his hair and doing a good job, but we thought it was time that Andrew had his first cut before school started. He did so well!

serious business. he had to look good for the girls in his class:)

Next: Neighborhood BBQ at a nearby church. It is free to the public and they have it every year. This was the first time we were able to go and had a fun time!
Such a show off... :)

They had all sorts of fun things for the kids.

Love this!

And finally, Andrew started preschool this week! I can hardly believe it. He did so great and we are so proud of him. Here he is having breakfast before his first day. He was so excited!

And all set with his backpack before we went inside. He did so great and can't wait to go back next week. He's growing up fast!
Whew! I think I am officially caught up. Thanks for hanging in there to get through them all. I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the fun things my family has done this summer. We are looking forward to more in my favorite season, fall.
What fun things did your family do this summer? Do you have any nice traditions that you look forward to each year?
Thanks for reading! Have a safe and healthy holiday weekend!
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