As I mentioned, today was quite busy. He saw the physical therapist and occupational therapist today. He also had a repeat EEG. We'll hear the results tomorrow. I was expecting it to go as smoothly as the first in the ICU but I didn't account for the fact that he is a lot more awake and alert then he was then. They took him off of the unit for this one, wrapped him in a sheet like a mummy so he wouldn't "help" and they glued a bunch of wires to his head. I saw pretty fast that he wasn't going to just lay there and take it. I sang to him, which helped distract him but he still wasn't a happy boy about it:)
This whole experience has been quite humbling. God definitely has a plan in everything he does. It has forced me to just stop and be with my son and my family. Nothing else was more important, which reminded me that life doesn't always have to be so busy. We have been on the go so much lately and this experience has really made me reevaluate things and take things one day at a time. To really just stop and enjoy life and enjoy my family. Children are such a blessing. Such a true gift from God. This experience reminded me to cherish and enjoy mine everyday and am excited to do that. This has really put that back into perspective.
Thank you again for reading, for your support and continued prayers for Benjamin and our family. We have felt very covered in prayer during this trying time. Please continue to pray for Benjamin's full recovery and for the many families here at Riley going through a lot of tough stuff. I am in awe of the strength of some of the parents here that I have met and heard of their stories.
Enjoy some of the pictures below that I took when David and Andrew visited us yesterday.
As long as there are cars, Andrew is happy anywhere! :)
See ya!
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