My family enjoyed a trip to Connecticut last week. We had a great time. My boys love being on vacation and seem to do pretty well with less sleep then usual.
One thing my husband and I agreed on is that next time we will probably drive instead of fly. Do you find flying to be difficult lately? It did not help that I forgot my wallet at home! ugh! I did learn that it is possible to get through airport security without it though...
We were supposed to leave on July 18th, but our flight kept getting pushed later and later back because of weather, so we went home and flew on the 19th instead.
We had a great time visiting David's brother and his family in the Hartford area while we were there. They have a new baby who is just adorable. We also had the chance to have lunch with my good friend from HS music groups who lives out there. Here are a few of the pictures we took. Enjoy!!
both kids did great on the flights. We were hopeful for naps at some point...I guess you can't have every wish:) |
Our flight was re-routed to Providence so we had dinner in Mystic the first night. Here we are at the Seaport. |
We had a great time visiting David's brother, his wife and their newborn baby. The baby in this picture is actually their first born, Paisley! The kids loved chasing her around and getting kisses. :) |
we spent a couple hours at the Children's museum in Hartford. When I asked Andrew to put his arm around his brother for the picture, he took me pretty literally. lol |
walking like an ape |
We went to an outdoor symphony concert with David's brother's family. It was a lot of fun! |
Having fun with Uncle Glenn! |
We had a great time at the Essex train museum. We rode on restored steam trains from the 1920s. Do you think my boys enjoyed it?? :) |
There was an indoor museum with a huge model train set. The kids were in heaven! |
Having an awesome seafood dinner at Abbot's! Highly recommend although probably easier without small kids on your lap! :) |
David loved his mussels and clams! |
Do you think I enjoyed my dinner??? Yes, yes, I did!! :) |
Abbott's is right on the water. so nice! |
The last day we went to the Mystic aquarium. We had a blast! Here is a beluga whale working with the trainers. |
jelly fish! |
We enjoyed a sea lion show. We were in the front row and got to see this guy up close. |
cheese! |
the kids loved playing in the hotels. |
| | |
all good things must come to an end.... |
Thanks for taking a look. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. We have many good memories from this trip and I am happy to share with you.
Have a good day!
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