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Monday, December 2, 2013

Advent Challenge Day 2

It usually takes me about 15 minutes to get my 5 year old out of bed in the morning and start getting ready for preschool. Today started no different as he pulled the covers back over him and curled up facing the wall when I came in to wake him up. But then he turned to me and said with bright eyes, "what is our activity today mommy?" I asked if he was asking about our Advent Calendar and he was. I told him he would have to get up and get ready and we would go and find out. 

I have never seen him fly out of bed so fast and get ready. lol

Today's activity was….Set up the Nativity Scene.

We actually do not have a real Nativity. I really want one but have yet to find the right one that will fit well in our home and not get easily broken. SO, we have been using our toy Nativity each year and the kids love it. It was a gift for my oldest from his Godparents on his first Christmas and it was a wonderful choice!

Since we do not play with it year round, the kids really enjoyed getting it out today and setting it up. It plays Aways In a Manger.

I think we have added on a few pieces over the years that do not quite go….like the peacock and Noah (from the Ark!) but it's fun none the less. And with it we like to read our book about the story of Christmas and kind of act out the book with the pieces in our scene.

What activities are you doing today to prepare for Christmas? Even if you do not have small children you can still participate by baking for a neighbor and surprising them with a treat. Or volunteering at the hospital or nursing home. Or using your gifts and share them with others. You could anonymously pick up the tab for a stranger at a restaurant. Maybe play your instrument at a school or nursing home or helping in your church. There are lots of ways we can help people this season, which in my opinion is a wonderful way to celebrate Advent! I would love to hear what you are doing too!

Have a  great day!


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