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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gratitude Challenge Day 3

I am very grateful for my children. I have two here on earth and two in heaven that we never got to meet.

But today I will focus on my oldest child, Andrew, who I am so very thankful for.

When we became parents over 5 years ago, we had an idea of what to expect with sleep, feeding, burping, changing, etc. We after all, like any first time parents, had a read copy of "What To Expect When You're Expecting"! :) But what we had no true idea about was the amount of joy and love we would have for another little being. Parenthood is an amazing gift and one that I have learned in these last several months to not take for granted.

A friend of our family wrote us a beautiful card sometime after Andrew was born. She said that when we see him smile at us, when he hugs and cuddles with us, when he looks at us….that is the face of God! We can see the Lord through our child and all children as they are so close to God. WOW!!! That was so profound to me and I think about that sometimes. Really puts things into perspective for me as we were all created in His image. And I am so thankful that God entrusted David and I to care for Andrew. and to raise him and teach him. Such an important job that I do not always think I do a good job at. But then I see my son look at me, smile at me, trust me to care for his needs, and I realize that from his perspective, I am doing a pretty good job. :)

A few things that come to mind when I think of my oldest son are that he is smart, handsome, witty, sensitive, shy, a perfectionist….and he teaches me things every day. He is also a good helper and a great big brother. He is compassionate and thinks about things in ways that I don't. I enjoy seeing the world through his perspective. I am truly blessed to be his mommy and love him so much. :)

Thanks for reading. What are you thankful for today?

Have a great day!!


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